Welcome to Hohou's Home

We are dedicated to providing the largest collection of Competitive Pokemon strategies, tools, combos, and movesets available on the internet. Our mission is to assist Pokemon Trainers in discovering exceptional competitive movesets for ALL Pokemon, including the often overlooked and underrated ones. Prepare to uncover hidden gems within our extensive pages! We continuously explore and showcase the latest trending strategies suitable for the current metagame, as well as a vast selection of viable strategies used in previous generations. Get ready to level up your Pokemon game with our comprehensive resources.
Competitive Pokemon Movesets, Strategies, and Tools
What we offer:
Use our tools to optimize your teams and unlock their fullest potential! Find their weaknesses, resistances and understand the vital roles they play.
Play with effort values, stats, and movesets directly from our Strategy-Dex entries to calibrate each Pokemon to your liking and standards.
Generate and export random battle-ready teams to play with and test them online using the Pokemon Showdown Battle Simulator!
Our Strategies:
We don't discriminate on tactics. Obviously for various tournaments and competitions there are do's and do nots to keep balances in check. However, that does not mean those tactics need to forever be forgotten about.
Here we try to showcase several strategies to use both in competitive and friendly Pokemon battles with your buddies. A big melting pot showcasing the strengths of every Pokemon and not just a selected few.
Prepare yourselves for the Pokemon Video Game Championships (VGC) which is a yearly tournament, created by The Pokemon Company International in order to give video game players a large-scale ingame competition, against Trainers from all over the world and compete for great prizes throughout the year. Building a solid strategy is usually a matter of practice. We strongly suggest you practice using the Championship Battles battle format in Rating Battles on the Pokémon Global Link before you head out to your tournament. Championship Battles uses the same rules as the VGC competitions, so you can familiarize yourself with the format before you attend a tournament. Take note of the strategies used by your opponents, and try to come up with your own strategy that can defeat each of them. Try not to feel nervous starting out—even the best Trainers can't win every match. Battling against other players can be much tougher than battling against the Trainers you encountered during your adventures, but it can be even more fun and rewarding, too. Visit our Facebook | Follow us on Instagram: @hohoushome | Complete list of Pokemon Builds | Hohou's Home (SV) - Movesets, Videos, Guides | Hohou's Home